
The gorge Cheile Nera - Beuşniţa is a protected area included in the National Park Cheile Nerei - Beuşniţa. They are found in the south part of the Anina Mountains, in county Caras - Severin, the municipalities of Sasca Montana and Şopotu Nou.

The National Park has a surface of 36758 ha.


Nera River Gorge guard between localities Sasca Montana and New Şopotu a distance of about 22 km, is the longest gorges in Romania.

The gorge that Nera river has dug into the limestone rock is wild and impressive. The rocky walls that reach 200 meters high, the canyons, caves and waterfalls create a scenery that leaves you speechless.

A marked path helps you cross them but to do them entirely you will have to cross Nera directly through water at one point. Fortunately you do not need to be in perfect shape nor to be a mountain person in order to enjoy the beauty of this place. You must have some wanderlust spirit in you and the desire to discover the treasures of Romania. If you do so amazing forests, unique landscapes, waterfalls, caves and canyons that will make you fall in love hopelessly with these lands, waits for you.

The best place to start an adventure in this gorges is Sasca Montana, from here you can get quite easily in any of the key points of the park.

Upstream (est) it is the Devil's Lake and at west Beusnitei waterfall and Ochiul Beiului.